Business Intelligence Workshop Data Requirements Gathering

-Questionnaire / Info Sheet :

The below are the main questions :

  1. How many users will be using the BI solution?
  1. What types of users do you have? (Static report users, analysts)
  1. How will they interact with the system? (i.e. interactive data exploration vs. static report consumption)
  1. Where will the content be delivered? (Web, email, mobile, portal)
  1. What is the minimum response time?
  1. How many users will be accessing the system concurrently?
  1. Who are the key and/or influential users? (Their acceptance is very helpful in attaining overall acceptance.)
  1. What are the goals of the users in implementing BI?  Why are those goals important to the business?
  1. What is their tolerance for error?  Some groups, generally have zero tolerance for error. Others may be willing to tolerate small inaccuracies in the numbers.
  1. Please list the currently used tools (for reporting , scorecardig , charting)
  1. Please provide BI Roadmap which outlines short-term vs. long-term needs and provides a guideline for all BI related activities.
  1. What are your business objectives
  1. KPIs
  1. List of objectives  (initiatives)
  1. KPI Watchlist .
  1. Strategy Tree (current one and required to be added ones
  1. Strategy Map
  1. Scorecard objects
  1. How would you interpret data set results?
  1. How should the data you work with be organized?  (For example : Should it be organized by customer, product, geography and time?  Should it be organized by account, salesperson, distribution channel and month?
  2. What are the hierarchies, rollups or aggregations used with these dimensions?


  1. Do all the dimensions  roll up to total :
  2. Example :
  3. Do customers roll up to geographies that roll up to total?  Do products roll up to product groups?  Do salespeople roll up to districts that roll up to regions?  What types of summary reports do you work with?
  1. What are the measures or facts you work with (e.g., revenues, expenses, balances, variances, percent growth, percent of total)?  How are they defined?
  1. For reports, please list the required structure (tabular / master detail / if contains any charts )
  1. Please list filters (prompts) required for bi dashboards / reports , by column(s)
  1. Do you need data only at the top and bottom accounts?  Do you review the performance of only certain types of products?  Do you segment the data based on demographics?
  2. How often do you obtain refreshes of the data?  Do you obtain them daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly?  Do you need it this often?
  1. Do you receive the data in a timely fashion? If yes, please advise the time frequency (hourly – daily – weekly – monthly – yearly)
  1. Include functional requirement document discussion.

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