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Problem Description :

While attempting to connect to PowerCenter Informatica Administrator on Production


The following error message(s) is displayed, which differs from browser to another:




-Installation log  to be examined and got the following msg :

Command Executed : /usr/java6_64/jre/bin/keytool  -genkey -alias infa_dflt -keyalg RSA -keypass ***** -storepass ***** -keystore /obi/Informatica//tomcat/conf/Default.keystore -dname CN=etl1,OU=Informatica,O=Informatica,L=RedwoodCity,S=California,C=US

Reason Of Failure :

This message indicates that PC installer created a self-signed certificate.
Please be aware that a self-signed certificate is different from a trusted certificate that you can buy from CA/Verisign

Action Plan :

These errors might contain different syntax and vary from browser to browser, However they all have the same meaning. The web browser doesn’t know where the self-signed certificate came from and is simply alerting you that the certificate cannot be trusted.

1-Turn off SSL Connectivity in PowerCenter and do not use secure HTTPS connections to communicate with Informatica Administrator.

-Login to Informatica Unix Server :

#Disable the Informatica services.

#Take a backup of the nodemeta.xml file, located under <INFA_HOME>isp/config

#Run the following command to set HTTPS port to 0:

This will disable HTTPS and enable regular HTTP access.

Run the following command on all gateway nodes: updateGatewayNode -hs 0

#Enable the Informatica services.​

2-The other workaround :

We can use the Informatica PowerCenter command line commands to get the same functionality of admin page .


ERROR: “ssl_error_no__overlap or ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH or SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION” while connecting to the PowerCenter Informatica Administrator


HOW TO: Disable HTTPS (SSL connectivity) for Admin console in the Domain (

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